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  • Anxious Attachment Recovery

  • Your Complete Guide and Workbook to a Secure Style, Moving Beyond Trauma and How to Stop Overthinking Your Relationships (Inner Child Healing)
  • De : Lila Hart
  • Lu par : Aubrey Coon
  • Durée : 4 h et 14 min

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Anxious Attachment Recovery

De : Lila Hart
Lu par : Aubrey Coon
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    Do you find it hard to trust people? Perhaps you imagine how they might hurt you before you even begin to explore a relationship… Your trust issues have to do with your attachment style, and that’s something that cemented itself long ago… but you’re not attached to this forever: It’s something you can change. Find out how to be in adult relationships that are truly healthy and fulfilling. This engaging therapy workbook for adults is the relationship book you need to get you there.

    Inside, you’ll discover:

    A deeper understanding of attachment theory (and how to use it to make sense of your experiences)

    How to recognize which of the 4 attachment styles you have – and its impact on your relationships

    A complete guide to using mindfulness, somatic exercises, and visualization techniques to help you break free from your insecure attachment style

    Effective grounding techniques and breathing exercises you can fall back on to help you address your anxiety

    Why play shouldn’t stop after childhood – and how to use it to move towards more secure and fulfilling relationships (with playful communication exercises!)

    4 key skills to cultivate for the secure relationships you want to see in your future

    5 striking differences between healthy and toxic relationships

    Practical advice and exercises for building your emotional intelligence and regulating your emotions

    And much more.

    Events in your past that you may not even think of anymore have shaped the attachment style you have today – but no matter how many times you’ve been disheartened by the repeating patterns in your relationships, you have the power to change the future. This insightful attachment style book will guide you through the psychology of attachment theory and equip you with all the practical strategies you need to move towards a more secure attachment style.

    Do you crave long-lasting and fulfilling relationships? Then scroll up and click “Add to Cart” right now!

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