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  • Healing Your Inner Child

  • Overcome Emotional Trauma, Set Boundaries, Practice Self-Love, and Find Inner Peace with 15 Powerful Exercises (The Self-Discovery Journey, Book 1)
  • De : Lila Hart
  • Lu par : Brieanna Johnson
  • Durée : 4 h et 23 min

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Healing Your Inner Child

De : Lila Hart
Lu par : Brieanna Johnson
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    Before you paint your bright future, confront your past and nurture your inner child. Dive into the therapeutic journey of self-discovery and healing with this groundbreaking book.

    Your past holds power over your present.

    Childhood experiences shape your beliefs, actions, and relationships more than you realize.

    Do you struggle with self-doubt, insecurity, or uncontrollable emotions?

    These are echoes of unresolved childhood trauma, staining your adult life like unseen residue on a canvas.

    But there's hope.

    This book offers a compassionate approach to healing your inner child while equipping you with practical tools for emotional growth.

    • Discover the 7 inner child archetypes and how they influence your adult self
    • Explore the impact of emotional trauma and attachment styles on your relationships
    • Uncover simple yet profound techniques for self-reflection and trauma resolution
    • Learn to reconnect with your inner child and rewrite your personal narrative in a positive light
    • Develop healthy boundaries and emotional resilience to navigate life with confidence
    • Advanced therapies and practical exercises guide you through the process of comforting your inner child and fostering self-love
    • With a comprehensive workbook featuring dynamic exercises, you'll embark on a transformative journey toward emotional freedom

    Reconnect with your inner child, break free from the chains of the past, and embrace a fulfilling future.

    It's time to reclaim your life and soar beyond the limitations of your past. Click "Add to Cart" now and start your journey to emotional freedom.

    ©2023 Wenyin Lai (P)2024 Wenyin Lai

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