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  • Anxious Attachment Recovery

  • A Practical Guide to Emotional Freedom and Lasting Relationships
  • De : Amy Harper
  • Lu par : Keira Grace
  • Durée : 3 h et 54 min

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Anxious Attachment Recovery

De : Amy Harper
Lu par : Keira Grace
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    Leave Your Anxiety Behind Once and for All and Open the Doors to Happier, Deeper, and Lasting Relationships!

    Are you constantly plagued by feelings of insecurity and doubt in your relationships due to anxious attachment patterns? Do you find it challenging to communicate your needs effectively, leading to repeated misunderstandings and conflicts? Are you seeking a path to genuine emotional freedom and secure, fulfilling connections in your life?

    According to research, women are more likely to be diagnosed with an Anxiety disorder. This can manifest in tons of different ways, but one of the most popular manifestations is through anxious attachment.

    In any relationship, if you give and give and give, at some point, there will be nothing left for you. So, you end up clinging to that person in hopes that you’ll receive the love, reassurance, and security you’re wishing for.

    But that’s not how it should be.

    Author Amy Harper knows exactly what it feels like to struggle with anxiety and be in a relationship that reflects your inner self-consciousness. You don’t mean to do it, but you project your doubts onto your partner, causing distrust and negative emotions to build in your relationship.

    This book is here to help you overcome your anxious attachment style and reclaim your confidence. Establish healthier relationships, find happiness within yourself, and let go of your anxiety.


    The secrets to unlocking lasting love from yourself and the people who matter.

    How to let go of the past and break down negative cycles and patterns that are holding you down.

    Practical exercises to build healthier habits, promote self-love, and enforce positive boundaries.

    Tips and tricks to help you stay on the path to independence and contentment.

    And more!

    There is no such thing as lost causes when you’ve got this audiobook that will be your trusty companion while you’re on this journey to a better and happier you.

    ©2023 Amy Harper (P)2023 Amy Harper

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