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  • Anxiety Workbook

  • The Complete Guide to Take Control of Anxiety, Depression, and Stress
  • De : Victoria Miller
  • Lu par : Houneida Bechlem
  • Durée : 5 h et 3 min

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Anxiety Workbook

De : Victoria Miller
Lu par : Houneida Bechlem
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    Living with anxiety, phobias, or panic can make you feel that you are not controlling your life. If you want to tackle the fears, this workbook is your perfect guide. Packed with the effective skills for treating and assessing anxiety, this workbook contains the latest anxiety research.

    Anxiety will never change the outcome. And it is perfectly reasonable and something we are all prone to. But no matter how much we suffer, the final result is never affected by this state of mind.

    This audiobook version includes:

    • How to understand panic attacks
    • Defeat shyness
    • Reduce constant stress
    • Manage fear
    • Fight against depression
    • Difference of panic attacks from fear
    • Exercises to control anxiety

    This audiobook is for who wants to:

    • Reduce daily anxiety
    • Avoid stress during difficult situations
    • Control own life with grit
    • Overcome depression

    Learn how anxiety works on your body and brain and how to create a toolbox of cognitive therapy strategies for mindfulness, relaxation, and acceptance. This workbook even includes tips and ways you can expose yourself to the things that disturb you so they become less scary.


    • A well-organized program for applying calmness to the root causes of your fear.
    • Clear daily routine guidance outlining the diagram for specific relaxation techniques.
    • Easy activities to help you decrease your anxiety problems.
    ©2019 Victoria Miller (P)2019 Victoria Miller

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