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  • Meditation for Anxiety

  • 3 Books in 1: Mindfulness Meditation to Reduce Stress, Anxiety, Take Control of Your Emotions and Activate the Healing Power of Vagus Nerve
  • De : Victoria Miller
  • Lu par : Houneida Bechlem
  • Durée : 11 h et 35 min

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Meditation for Anxiety

De : Victoria Miller
Lu par : Houneida Bechlem
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    With this huge bundle, you can lay back and relax to the gentle music as you instantly reduce your anxiety and stress and fall into a deep, dreamy sleep.

    A guide to stress relief and anxiety reduction with the help of daily meditation will prepare you to begin your journey into mindfulness and meditation. It will help you shape your reality by taking the time to know your mind.

    Once you know your mind, you will be able to train it and ultimately free it from negative, debilitating thinking. It allows you to know your thoughts instead of trying to change them.

    This audiobook will help:

    Dozens of people have already followed this advice and have noticed great changes. Even if you are a beginner to meditation, you can be successful with the simple practices that you will find. 

    From postures to breathing techniques, this audiobook will present to you the most effective and beginner-friendly practices.

    Why this audiobook?

    Each of these soothing guided meditations was designed with the goal of helping you reduce your anxiety as quickly as possible, with carefully chosen ambient music and soothing nature sounds.

    Each meditation can be listened to time and time again, ensuring that you never have to spend your days stressed out or on the brink of panic attacks ever again.

    This audiobook will help you learn:

    • A relaxing meditation script that will guide you on getting to sleep
    • The best meditation technique used to counter anxiety
    • The easiest meditation techniques to prevent insomnia
    • Why following this script will prevent you from feeling drained and tired


    • Unexpected benefits of mindfulness on your body and mind
    • A selection of mindfulness models to help control your anxiety
    • How to start your mindfulness meditation practice as a complete beginner
    • Practical tips about identifying your anxiety-inducing triggers
    ©2020 Victoria Miller (P)2020 Victoria Miller

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