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  • American Hotel Story

  • History, Hauntings, and Heartbreak in LA's Infamous Hotel Cecil
  • De : Richard Estep
  • Lu par : Ronald Fox
  • Durée : 3 h et 6 min

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American Hotel Story

De : Richard Estep
Lu par : Ronald Fox
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    On December 20, 1924, the newest hotel in downtown Los Angeles opened its doors. Catering to businessmen, bankers, theatergoers, and travelers, the Cecil started out as a home away from home for the city's high rollers. Then came the Great Depression. 

    Times changed, and the hotel found itself in the middle of Skid Row. Awash in a sea of violent crime, drugs, and homelessness, the Cecil gained a dark reputation that remains to this day. Tales of murder, suicide, and serial killers are just one part of the hotel's checkered past. Some also claim that restless spirits haunt the rooms and hallways. 

    Following the bizarre and tragic death of a young woman, whose body was found floating in a rooftop water tank, the Hotel Cecil once again found itself in the unwelcome limelight of public attention. 

    Join Richard Estep of TV's Haunted Hospitals and Paranormal 911 in an exploration of this iconic LA landmark's past, present, and future.

    ©2021 Richard Estep (P)2021 Richard Estep

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