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  • The Great American Ghost Trip

  • 10 Nights. 10 Haunted Locations. 4000 Miles. A Whole Lotta Ghosts!
  • De : Richard Estep
  • Lu par : Josh Heard
  • Durée : 6 h et 42 min

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The Great American Ghost Trip

De : Richard Estep
Lu par : Josh Heard
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    During one of the hottest summers on record, a group of friends got together for that most American of traditions: the road trip. 

    But this was no ordinary journey. Over the course of ten days and nights, this team of paranormal investigators set out to explore ten of the country's most haunted locations. Thousands of miles on the road in search of uniquely American ghosts, their quest took them to an asylum whose former inmates are said to speak from beyond the grave; a jail with ties to a nearby house with a very dark reputation; the hallowed ground of one of the Civil War's most battles; and a house believed to be haunted by the spirit of a little girl, who may be something entirely more sinister.

    Join Richard Estep (TV's Haunted Hospitals and Paranormal 911) and his intrepid band on their odyssey to encounter things that go bump in the night.

    ©2021 Richard Estep (P)2021 Richard Estep

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