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  • Anglo-Saxons for Kids

  • A Captivating Guide to the People of Early Medieval England and Their Battles Against the Vikings (History for Children)
  • De : Captivating History
  • Lu par : Jason Zenobia
  • Durée : 1 h et 18 min

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Anglo-Saxons for Kids

De : Captivating History
Lu par : Jason Zenobia
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    Embark on an exciting journey to the past to meet the Anglo-Saxons!

    The Anglo-Saxons were people from Northern Germany who came to Britain in waves and quickly established their own kingdoms between the time of the Romans and the Normans. At first glance, it may seem like the Anglo-Saxons did not contribute much to British history. They didn’t even have a writing system until Christian missionaries arrived!

    So, why are the Anglo-Saxons so important to British history? Some people may think of this time as a dark time full of feuding kings. Although there were a lot of kings and plenty of fighting, the Anglo-Saxons also laid the foundation for modern English society. They created the structure needed to form one country out of different tribes. When the Normans took over in 1066, they built on top of Anglo-Saxon social and political structures.

    For years, people have focused on leaders like King Alfred the Great or events like the Norman Conquest. But the Anglo-Saxons were more than just a few leaders or events. They structured a nation that would go on to conquer vast swaths of the modern world, and their ingenuity still structures life as we know it today.

    It’s time to sail back into history and learn about the many facets of the Anglo-Saxons. In this new and captivating history audiobook, you’ll learn what made the Anglo-Saxons special and how they still shape our lives today.

    Here are some of the questions you will uncover in this audiobook:

    • Was King Arthur real?
    • What made Wessex so special?
    • Which Germanic tribes came to Britain as the Anglo-Saxons?
    • Who was St. Augustine?
    • Where did the Normans come from?
    • Who was the first King of England?
    • Why did William the Conqueror come to England?
    • What is the difference between modern and Old English?

    Scroll up and click the “add to cart” button to learn more about the history of the Anglo-Saxons!

    ©2023 Captivating History (P)2023 Captivating History
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse

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