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Couverture de Always & Forever

Always & Forever

De : Kimberly Thomas
Lu par : Emma Faye
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    Erin had a plan . . . Go to college, become an advertising exec, marry her boyfriend of five years, and start a family-all in that order.

    But even the best laid plans are no match for life's curveballs. Plagued by deception, rejection, and an unfortunate diagnosis, she runs away from the only life she's ever known to forge a new one. But like they say, the past always finds a way to catch up, and after suffering from panic attacks she is forced to step back into her old life as she recuperates.

    Back in Oak Harbor with her family, Erin is forced to deal with the reason she distanced herself from them in the first place and when the two people she has been trying to avoid the most show up in the beautiful coastal town, she cannot escape the decisions she has to make that will either heal her wounds or break her into a million pieces.

    Marg has been happy and thriving in her relationship with Ben. The only problem is going after the one thing she's always desired may prove to be more than Ben can handle. When her mother comes to stay with her, Marg finds herself in unfamiliar territory as she tries to navigate their new relationship.

    ©2023 Kimberly Thomas (P)2024 Tantor

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