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Couverture de All the Kings Men

All the Kings Men

De : Maggie McAllister
Lu par : Maria Johnson
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    Forbidden love and seductive intrigues intertwine in "Camelot's Echo: The Once and Future King,"
    Where the pursuit of the Holy Grail becomes entangled with the clandestine affair between Sir Lancelot and Queen Guinevere. As their passion casts shadows over Camelot's splendor, a war erupts, leading to the illicit seizure of the throne by the cunning Knight Sir Mordred.
    The kingdom, once radiant, crumbles in a final, devastating battle. As King Arthur collapses with a mortal wound, legends speak of his journey to Avalon, where he lies in a deep sleep, waiting for the tower bell to ring and the mighty sword to be drawn. The inscription on his tomb declares him the "Once and Future King."

    The book intertwines love, magic, destiny, and tragedy, leaving the listener captivated by the timeless tale of Camelot's rise and fall, echoing through the realms of myth and legend.

    "The Once and Future King" stands as an enduring symbol of hope, a beacon that transcends time, promising the return of King Arthur to rule again when the call of destiny awakens him from his enchanted slumber.

    Can the Legends of Camelot survive without their King or does King Arthur return. Prepare for a whirlwind of action, heroism, romance and suspense.

    ©2024 Maggie McAllister (P)2024 Maggie McAllister

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