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Couverture de The Summer It Rained Champions

The Summer It Rained Champions

De : Sarah Smith
Lu par : Maria Johnson
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    Six-year-old Sharon Rowling has a lot to contend with. Her gorgeous mum, Maria, literally stops traffic with her beauty, much to the annoyance of dodgy dad, Ricky, who is under-height as well as underemployed. And then there are her three excruciating siblings who remain stubbornly oblivious to her unrelenting fear of being outed as a "gypo."

    Sharon opens her comical tale during the sweltering British summer of 1976 when even an incredibly handsome World Boxing Champ finds himself on the wrong end of her clueless dad's fists. However, it soon becomes clear that Sharon's embarrassing family are not the only bizarre inhabitants of the English village of Widdleton, and the stifling weather is getting the better of all of them.....

    This book should appeal to listeners wishing to escape from modern life and drift back to an era when avocado was just a bathroom colour, and mindfulness meant staring at a blank TV. Come and spend a comical summer amongst the villagers of Widdleton as they encounter some tough lessons in self-acceptance and little Sharon learns how to deal with her internalised prejudice.

    ©2023 Sarah Cordwell (P)2024 Sarah Cordwell

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