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  • Alexander the Great

  • An Enthralling Guide to the Rise of the Macedonian Empire, Its Ruler, and His Conquests (Greek Mythology and History)
  • De : Billy Wellman
  • Lu par : Jason Zenobia
  • Durée : 4 h et 45 min

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Alexander the Great

De : Billy Wellman
Lu par : Jason Zenobia
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    Did you know that Alexander the Great once introduced proskynesis to the Macedonian court?

    Proskynesis, the act of kissing the ground or the feet of someone of higher rank, was a normal custom of the Persians. In the court of the Achaemenid Empire, this act was typically done before the king. In contrast to the practice of the Greeks and Macedonians, proskynesis was performed by the Persians only when they were communicating with their ancient gods.

    The invasion of the Achaemenid Empire had always been on top of the list for Alexander the Great. Ever since he came to power, the king had desired the submission of Darius III, the reigning king of the Persians at that time. Though he defeated the king in two battles and eventually conquered its territories, Alexander appears to have soon found a deep love for Persian customs and traditions. Of course, the king’s gradual change and assimilation of Persian culture did not sit well with the Macedonian people.

    According to the ancient writer Arrian, when Alexander attempted to apply proskynesis to his court, his decision was met with massive criticism from both the Macedonians and Greeks. And even when he stopped the practice, the Macedonians continued to witness their king apply a variety of Persian customs in the kingdom. Some said his Persianization played a minor role in his death, while others claimed that he died of natural causes. The sources that tell the story of Alexander often contradict each other, which can be confusing for those hoping to learn about the great king’s eventful life.

    But that is about to change. With this all-new enthralling history audiobook, you can easily explore the gripping events that took place throughout the life of Alexander the Great.

    Scroll up and click the “add to cart” button to learn more about Alexander the Great!

    ©2023 Billy Wellman (P)2023 Billy Wellman

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