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Active Listening for Charisma and Connection

De : William Wayne
Lu par : Nathaniel Maclaughlan
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    If you could only work on one skill to radically improve your relationships and become the most socially intelligent charismatic version of yourself, what would it be?

    Author William Wayne asked himself that question for years. You’ve likely heard tons of tricks and hacks to create and improve relationships. But have you ever wanted to know the one foundational skill that trumps every technique or little adjustment you can possibly make?

    That skill is active listening.

    How would you feel if you could instantly create a deep genuine connection with anyone you meet? Not by just making eye contact and smiling, but by allowing them to feel truly heard and appreciated for who they really are.

    Most people aren’t born with the ability to create powerful connections with anyone they meet. But the few who learn how are those charismatic individuals that we’re all naturally drawn to.

    In Active Listening For Charisma and Connection you’ll discover the powerful actions you can take to drastically improve your relationships, including:

    • How to be engaged in any conversation–even if its boring at first.

    • Actively listening in emotionally charges situations and fights.

    • The key to restating someone’s words that 70 percent of people get wrong.

    • How to use the power of silence to create impactful moments.

    • Four simple ways to be more empathetic and help others feel heard.

    • How to use active listening to create genuine bonds that last a lifetime.

    And much, much more.

    By applying the principles in this book, you’ll watch your interactions go from nice and predictable to exciting and endlessly stimulating.

    You’ll see how a few simple shifts can create a strong connection in conversations, and overtime establish rewarding relationships.

    ©2023 William Wayne (P)2023 William Wayne

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