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  • My Life with Psoriasis

  • The Story of What Finally Worked for Me and Kept Me Clear for over 30 Years
  • De : Ross Gambril
  • Lu par : Nathaniel Maclaughlan
  • Durée : 2 h et 9 min

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My Life with Psoriasis

De : Ross Gambril
Lu par : Nathaniel Maclaughlan
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    This audiobook is about the author's personal struggle with psoriasis for over 20 years and what was discovered that was able to keep him virtually totally clear for over 30 years now. It includes all the information that was found through his own personal experiences and the personal research and experimentation during that time in dealing with having psoriasis. It also goes into detail about the other medications that are currently available to treat it. It describes what was finally found that did really work and enabled the author to become virtually totally clear and stay clear to this day. It describes what happened during the period of time that the author suffered from treatment after treatment that didn't ever really work, as you are probably going through now.

    This is the story, in detail, of what was found that worked and worked effectively and consistently to clear the author's psoriasis. It is a firsthand description of the author's journey through the hell that this devastating affliction causes. The information is also very relevant for those who may suffer from eczema and other related chronic skin disorders. It is the author's wish and hope for you that this book and the information in it can possibly change your life in the way that it has completely and totally changed his.

    ©2021 Ross Gambril (P)2023 Ross Gambril

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