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  • Active Confidence, Empathy & Focus for Kids: 3 Parenting Books-In-1

  • Active Social Skills for Kids
  • De : Morgan Bravo
  • Lu par : Sonny Swinhart
  • Durée : 4 h et 41 min

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Active Confidence, Empathy & Focus for Kids: 3 Parenting Books-In-1

De : Morgan Bravo
Lu par : Sonny Swinhart
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    Empower your child with the essential life skills they need to succeed with this comprehensive bundle of three books: Active Confidence for Kids, Active Empathy for Kids, and Active Focus for Kids.

    Active Confidence for Kids provides practical guidance to help your child overcome socialization setbacks and develop the confidence they need to thrive in both academic and social settings. From identifying the root causes of social anxiety to implementing effective strategies for building self-assurance, this book is a must-listen for parents looking to support their child's growth and development.

    Active Empathy for Kids teaches your child the importance of empathy and compassion, and how to communicate effectively with others. Through engaging activities and real-life examples, your child will learn how to understand and connect with people from diverse backgrounds and perspectives.

    Active Focus for Kids equips your child with the tools they need to stay focused and productive in today's fast-paced world. From practical techniques for managing distractions to tips for goal-setting and time management, this book will help your child develop the skills they need to succeed in school and beyond.

    Whether you're a parent, teacher, or caregiver, this three-in-one bundle is the ultimate resource for helping children build confidence, empathy, and focus.

    ©2023 Sonny Swinhart (P)2023 Sonny Swinhart

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