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Couverture de Say "No!" to the New World Order

Say "No!" to the New World Order

De : Gary Allen
Lu par : Sonny Swinhart
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    Another hard hitting book by the author, Gary Allen, of the international bestseller, None Dare Call It Conspiracy. Since the end of World War II, forty three nations, representing nearly one-third the earth's surface, have fallen to Communism. In every single instance, the US State Department was a willing and knowing accomplice to the betrayal. Why? The world's richest capitalists have for decades cooperated with and bankrolled their alleged mortal enemies, the Communists. Why? As you will learn in this book, it was planned that way, as part of an elitists' scheme to create a New World Order. In this book, you'll find the conspirators' plans revealed in their own words. Even more important, you'll learn how they can be stopped.

    ©1976 Gary Allen (P)2024 Dauphin Publications

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