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Couverture de Accidental Goblin King 2

Accidental Goblin King 2

De : Leon West
Lu par : Tom North, Faye Bishop
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    War looms. Will the Goblin King rise to the challenge?

    Ethan, the first-ever human Goblin King, thought he'd seen it all after a mysterious talisman teleported him to this new world. But when an orcish army stands at the doorstep of his kingdom, life on the throne just got a whole lot more complicated. As he grapples with the imminent threat, he also finds himself captivated by a fiery half-orc, half-goblin blacksmith, whose heart is as elusive as her craft is formidable.

    Caught between the hammer of diplomacy and the anvil of war, Ethan must rally his kingdom and his wives—the enchanting shaman, the bratty warrior, and the feral beast whisperer—to stand against the orcs. His strategic savvy will be tested, his bonds of love and loyalty strained, and his mettle in the face of adversity tried like never before.

    Under the shadow of war, will Ethan lead his kingdom to victory, or crumble under the weight of his crown? Will his united front be enough to fend off the orcs and win the heart of the tempestuous blacksmith? Prepare for an epic tale filled with as much passion as peril, where the odds are stacked and every move is a gamble. It's time to go all in.

    ©2024 Leon West (P)2024 Royal Guard Publishing LLC

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