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Couverture de Soul Knight

Soul Knight

De : JJ Bookerson
Lu par : Alyssa Poon, Evan Jordan
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    On Orion, becoming king is easy… just climb a tower filled with monsters and don't die.

    Reborn in a crypt, Nick was given an ancient heritage and an important task: to become king, and make the Archaens rise again.

    Nick was now the last one, and he would need to find allies by forming Soul Pacts with both followers and wives. With the power of the Soul Knight class, he would have to use both paladin and necromancer magics to conquer the tower and defeat his enemies.

    But not all was right, in or outside the tower. A bandit warlord had taken control of the city of Havendale, and a deathly Trial within the tower lurks, barring Nick from collecting his Heritage.

    Will Nick take his first step toward Eternity and claim his kingdom, or will he fall before his journey begins?

    Contains: LitRPG/Cultivation System, Tower Climbing, Kingdom Building, and loveable beastfolk girls with dating and romance.

    ©2024 JJ Bookerson (P)2024 Royal Guard Publishing LLC

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