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Couverture de ADHD Works at Work

ADHD Works at Work

De : Leanne Maskell
Lu par : Leanne Maskell
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    Navigating the working world with ADHD can be tricky business for everyone, but it doesn't have to be. Understanding what ADHD actually is, how to talk about it at work, identifying what can help and ways to harness it within the workplace can be as overwhelming as getting a diagnosis - until now.

    For employers and employees alike, ADHD Works at Work bridges the gap between Human Resources and the humans they're there to help with professional and personal lived experience, with ADHD-friendly strategies to turn your awareness into action at work.

    Confidently talk about ADHD at work, cultivate disability friendly cultures, and level the playing field by understanding reasonable adjustments that work for ADHD. Learn ADHD coaching and management skills to harness the endless strengths of ADHD at work directly from Leanne Maskell, ADHD coach and trainer of companies including Google, Microsoft and Disney.

    "This book is a masterpiece. The future of work belongs to those who embrace neurodiversity and this book is the perfect guide to start making that happen!"

    Lisette Schipper, Neurodiversity Advocacy Lead, Google

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    ©2023 Leanne Maskell (P)2023 Leanne Maskell


    "This book is a masterpiece. The future of work belongs to those who embrace neurodiversity and this book is the perfect guide to start making that happen!" —Lisette Schipper, Neurodiversity Advocacy Lead, Google

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