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Couverture de A Shadow Melody

A Shadow Melody

De : Brian Kaufman
Lu par : David Cantor
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    "A Shadow Melody is a fascinating blend of historical fiction and speculative fiction... one of the most original novels I have read in years." –Kenneth W. Harmon, author of In the Realm of Ash and Sorrow

    In the early 1900s, Thomas Edison, Nikola Tesla, and Harry Browning each researched devices to contact the dead through scientific means. Only one of them succeeded.

    Harry Browning is a prodigy with an extraordinary understanding of the natural sciences. Orphaned as a child, he becomes a beloved professor, a war hero...and a shell shock victim.

    At war's end, he returns to his college hometown in Ohio and dedicates himself to research. Alone and isolated, he hires Elizabeth Rose, a young housekeeper with secrets. Together, they will seek to answer the one question that all humanity shares: What becomes of us after we pass beyond the veil?

    They may not like the answer.

    ©2023 Black Rose Writing (P)2023 Beacon Audiobooks

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