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Couverture de Moon over Humboldt

Moon over Humboldt

De : Jim Hight
Lu par : David Cantor
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    "A Stunning heart-tugging debut—Hight paints a setting reminiscent of Richard Powers' The Overstory while weaving a tale of addiction as crushing as David Sheff's Beautiful Boy!"—Cam Torrens, author of False Summit

    Bill Collins raised his son Kenny to work hard in the logging trade and keep his whining to himself. But when Kenny becomes a meth addict, Bill must face the bitter truth that he may have failed at his most important job.

    Jonah Price moved to Humboldt County to save the redwoods. Yet, guilt over his father's death leads him to get high so often that he walks through life like a zombie, half-dead to his surviving family and floundering as an environmental activist.

    After meeting in a 12-step program, Bill and Jonah form a bond that grows as they open up about their struggles. They find in each other a kindred spirit who could help each man rebuild his shattered life—if they can overcome their differences.

    ©2024 Black Rose Writing (P)2024 Beacon Audiobooks

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