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Couverture de A Pure Heart

A Pure Heart

De : Annie Boone
Lu par : HotGhost Productions
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    Mary Pershing's quest for the perfect man to complement her elite status as the mayor's beautiful daughter has stalled. Embarrassed that her younger sister will be married before her, she feels lost. Practically hopeless. Her failure to find a worthy husband has dampened her spirit. Almost.

    Dante Holbrook hits the sleepy town of Cutter's Creek, and Mary's world is immediately brighter. The high society man from Boston was most definitely worth waiting for. Dante is handsome and successful with practically every other trait Mary desires in a man. This match made in heaven is going to be the talk of the town - in Cutter's Creek and Boston, too!

    Then there's the pesky cowboy, Luke Ripley. This rascal simply cannot take a hint. His advances are unwelcome, but Mary can't find the right words to tell him to leave her alone. So, she's simply rude to him. Until she and Dante are officially betrothed, this will have to work.

    Just as Mary's life is coming together, it starts to fall apart. The shallow young woman Mary has grown into finds a conscience and ethical code she never knew she had as a dark side of Dante emerges. Mary has a choice to make. Will she act on her hunch that something isn't right about Dante or will she overlook his questionable business practices? And how will Luke play into her decision?

    Enjoy another sweet love story set in Cutter's Creek where historical western romance always meets a happy ending!

    ©2017 Sweet River Publishing (P)2020 Sweet River Publishing

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