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Couverture de Annie Boone's Cutter's Creek, Books 1-3

Annie Boone's Cutter's Creek, Books 1-3

De : Annie Boone, Cutter's Creek
Lu par : Alyson Krawchuk for HotGhost Productions
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    This boxed set includes the first three books written by Annie Boone in the best-selling Cutter's Creek series. As a special treat, this set also includes new and exclusive epilogues for each story. The bonus chapters can't be found anywhere else but in this boxed set. Find out what happens next for the characters. 

    All these stories are complete with no cliff hangers and a happy ending, but are also part of the Cutter's Creek series. The series is written by four different best selling authors, and each author's books are a standalone series within the Cutter's Creek world. 

    Included in this boxed set: New Beginnings, Becoming a Family, and Christmas Spirit along with the exclusive bonus epilogues for each story. 

    New Beginnings

    Widower Caleb Jefferson is the blacksmith in Cutter’s Creek with no desire to fall in love again. But after an incident at church, he finally sees his daughter needs a mother — and a mail order bride might be his best option. 

    Audrey Norris has just learned her late husband had many secrets — including a house note she can’t pay. With her daughter and mother depending on her for support, her options are few and mostly undesirable. After Audrey answers Caleb’s ad and they agree to marriage terms, it seems all her worries will be a thing of the past.  

    When Audrey arrives in Montana, Caleb tries to make it work, but can’t seem to move past his guilt over his wife’s death. Audrey prays every day for help and guidance. God is taking his time. Meanwhile, the new family grows closer while Caleb drifts further away.  

    Then one simple misunderstanding severs the fragile balance they’ve created. Will this be the end of Audrey and Caleb or the beginning of a lifetime of love? 

    Becoming a Family

    Jemma Braithewaite is dealing with tragedy, injury, and a desire for a different life. She's forced to make a heartbreaking journey to The Idaho Territory to bring her orphaned niece and nephew home. Just when she needs a friend the most, God puts Janine Hewitt in her life. The two women bond on their train ride from Chicago to Cutter's Creek, Montana. 

    An unexpected invitation to stop and visit the Hewitt family in Cutter's Creek gives Jemma some time to ease herself and the children into life in Chicago. The time in Cutter's Creek also opens her eyes to the possibility of leaving the big city for a small, friendly town and new friends. 

    A job offer and a handsome man named Nick Jansen lure Jemma to Montana permanently. The children are happy and so is Jemma until things heat up with Nick. Just when Jemma thinks she's found everything she's waited for, she realizes that family must come first. 

    Just as she's finding the right balance, a misunderstanding throws her into another terrible situation. Had it been a mistake to try to reinvent her life in Cutter's Creek? 

    Christmas Spirit

    Felicity Lipscomb has loved Josh Garrett almost as long as she can remember. She thinks he’s nothing short of amazing. She doesn’t have the confidence to let him know, so she longs for him quietly, hoping one day he’ll notice her.  

    When she overhears a conversation just before Christmas, Felicity gets an idea she’s sure will help her finally snag her dream man. To make her plan work, she needs to learn to cook. The Christmas Festival Cider Competition is the perfect opportunity for her to prove her kitchen skills to the handsome cowboy.  

    Then the festivities begin. Secrets are revealed. Tempers flare. Nasty words are exchanged. All at a time when people should be joyful.

    ©2018 Sweet River Publishing (P)2020 Sweet River Publishing

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