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  • A Practical Guide to Managing Foot and Ankle Pain

  • The Self-Treating Patient Series, Book 12
  • De : Lovena Suson
  • Lu par : James McLeod
  • Durée : 43 min

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A Practical Guide to Managing Foot and Ankle Pain

De : Lovena Suson
Lu par : James McLeod
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    Our feet are sophisticated pieces of architecture. They are composed of a network of muscles, bones, nerves, tendons, and ligaments. They are a mechanical marvel of nature. The injuries of the ankle and feet are most common in athletes. Approximately 21 percent of these injuries have prolonged morbidity. 

    Each year, millions of Americans come to the podiatrist’s office and complain about swelling, pain, stiffness, and various deformities. A foot problem is a significant problem. It affects the tasks of daily living. Walking, running, going up and down steps, driving, and the simple joys of life as participating in social and recreational activities we love. 

    If you have a higher body weight, you will feel the amount of impact on your feet when running. This is why wearing appropriate footwear that absorbs this impact is a must. Imagine a fully loaded cement truck weighing hundreds of tons. This weight is the equivalent amount of force your feet carry during an average day of walking. For the rehabilitation of ankle injuries, it is crucial to evaluate gait. Gait abnormalities are also a leading cause of ankle injuries. 

    Heel-toe walking allows proper execution of the gait cycle, to prevent abnormal shifts that can stress bones, muscles, and joints. Gait pattern is a much-overlooked aspect of pain management in musculoskeletal disorders. 

    In this book, you will learn all about the feet, common injuries affecting the ankles and feet, traditional interventions and practical exercises, ways to make ice packs, benefits of walking on the beach, and practical strategies for self-management.

    Become a self-treating patient by getting this audiobook.

    ©2019 Lovena Suson (P)2019 Lovena Suson

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