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De : Charlie T. Smith
Lu par : KC Bragg
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    It is a practiced belief that it takes a community to raise the youth of that community. But what happens to the youth of that community if the people of the community and the very soil the community is built on are corrupted? 

    Vietnam G. Franklin, also known as Li’l One Gone, was conceived through a mixture of heated passion laced with a dose of intoxicants. Born into a community rampant with crime and violence, a place where the consumption of illegal drugs is more prevalent in the substance of life to the occupants of the community than food and water are; trying to find his way; rejected, ridiculed, and despised by his peers; an introvert by circumstance roaming the streets solo, trying to find his way, Li’l One Gone often finds himself in the company of the neighborhood movers and shakers. 

    Pulled in under their wings, thrown into the hustle and bustle of the streets, schooled by them on the ways of the game and the arts of the streets called the life, will Li’l One Gone rise to the top of the cesspool of the streets, or will he be met with the same fate as the ones who tucked him in underneath their wings?

    ©2020 Charlie T. Smith (P)2022 Charlie T. Smith

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