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  • Lithium Kid

  • A Bipolar Adventure from Depression to Mania
  • De : Joshua C. Campo
  • Lu par : KC Bragg
  • Durée : 4 h et 40 min

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Lithium Kid

De : Joshua C. Campo
Lu par : KC Bragg
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    Did you know that over 12% of the world's population suffers from mental illness like depression? That number is also on the rise as more people tackle the ever-increasing daily demands of modern life. At times, when dealing with these feelings, it can feel like you are living with a constant cloud over your head and have no one to talk to about what you're going through. But that is not the case.

    This book can help you gain back control over your emotions and thoughts and help lead you toward a happier and healthier everyday life. Introducing Lithium Kid, a bipolar adventure from depression to mania, designed to help people with the difficult issues surrounding mental health. Whether you are coping with depression or know a loved one who is suffering, in this book, you will experience the journey from depression to euphoria to psychosis while trying to break the stigma that exists with regard to mental health. It's a book that sheds light on specific issues suffered by those who have a mental disorder and those who have loved ones who suffer as well.

    Inside Lithium, you will discover: The steps needed to grant yourself or a loved one a more stable lifestyle. How to help get rid of the stigma that affects those with mental illness. Help for those affected by mental illnesses like depression or bipolar disorder. How to detect whether you might be suffering from a mental illness and don’t even know it. More information about mental illnesses that affect so many people all over the world.

    ©2024 Julio C. Lacayo (P)2024 Julio C. Lacayo

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