Thomas A. Bradley

Thomas A. Bradley

Born in Philadelphia, Pa., I served with the U.S. Army Medical Corps during Vietnam as a Clinical Specialist. Afterward, I attended West Chester University of Pennsylvania and attained my Bachelor's Degree in Microbiology. My Master's work was done in Virology. I have since worked at several biotech companies as a virologist, some with biodefense contracts (a great platform for weird story ideas). I am the author of several short stories, with three published novels and three more in the works, one of which, a paranormal horror novel, should be finished before the end of the year. Two of my shorts, Weeping Willow and The Progeny have been accepted for publication in "Horror In Words" magazine. Weeping Willow appeared in their August 09 issue, and is now available as a reprint in John Betancourt's Wildside Press's Vampire Megapak. House for Sale and The Last Transaction appeared in issue #10 of "Horror Bound" magazine. (House for Sale and The Last Transaction also appear in my collection, 13 Echoes). When I'm not drawing on the darker recesses of my fractured mind (i.e. writing), I spend my time playing guitar, chess and romping with my German shepherds. For several years I had run a band in the Poconos called, "Centerfield," and though I miss being on stage, I prize my weekends with my fiancée. Still, I try to keep my chops up by challenging myself with new lead riffs. If there is any spare time left over, I keep my hand in the sciences, consulting from time to time and maintaining a working association with my mentor from West Chester.
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