Michael Rogan

Michael Rogan

Michael Rogan is a former Hollywood script reader, and optioned screenwriter, whose main goal in life is to rid the world of movies with trucks that turn into robots. He is the author of eleven books in the field of writing, including "How to Write a Screenplay That Doesn't Suck (and Will Actually Sell)" and "Screw You, Writer's Block." He is also the founder and editor of ScriptBullly magazine, an inbox periodical devoted to helping screenwriters learn how to not suck, as well as Indie Pub Nation, a publication focused on assisting indie publishers to kick serious behind. He also spent five years as a Dolphin Show Host. But he doesn't like to talk about that.
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How to Write a Movie Script With Characters That Don't Suck (ScriptBully Book Series)

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    Prix avec réduction : 6,88 € ou 1 crédit audio

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    Prix avec réduction : 6,24 € ou 1 crédit audio

  • Prix : 6,67 € ou 1 crédit audio

    Prix avec réduction : 6,67 € ou 1 crédit audio

  • Prix : 6,88 € ou 1 crédit audio

    Prix avec réduction : 6,88 € ou 1 crédit audio

  • Prix : 3,79 € ou 1 crédit audio

    Prix avec réduction : 3,79 € ou 1 crédit audio

  • Prix : 6,88 € ou 1 crédit audio

    Prix avec réduction : 6,88 € ou 1 crédit audio

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