Gary Cochran

Gary Cochran

GARY COCHRAN graduated from Brigham Young University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics and Spanish in 1969. Gary served three years in the United States Marine Corps, during which time he completed a tour of duty in Viet Nam and the Far East. In addition to his duties in close air support, he commanded a platoon of shoulder-fired surface-to-air missiles. Following Gary’s release from active military duty he started several successful domestic and international marketing companies, and continues to provide comprehensive business consulting services. He has traveled extensively in Europe, Asia, and North and South America. In addition to real-life suspense novels, Gary has written a series of business related marketing books and home study courses used by thousands of students. His marketing course titled “How To Get a Second Paycheck Without Getting a Second Job” was an outstanding seller with more than 400,000 units sold. Gary enjoys flying and has owned and operated several multi-engine planes, including a Cessna Citation Jet. He is a 67 year-old outdoor enthusiast who is equally at home skiing in the Wasatch Mountains or hiking in the alps of Switzerland. Gary and his wife live year round in a log post and beam home near Sundance Ski Resort. He presently divides his time between business, traveling, and outdoor recreation. Episodes of Gary’s life parallel that of many of the main characters in his novel, “Shortfall.”
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