Elda M. Lopez

Elda M. Lopez

Elda has been in the muddy trenches of infidelity. She's been cheated on, and has been the "other" woman. She felt this perpetual hot button topic needed to be scrutinized more so - enter: THE (IN)FIDELITY FACTOR: Points to Ponder Before You Cheat. Having lived it, she understands the emotional stress, pain, anger and resentment that can stem from such indiscretions, as well as the critical familial and financial issues that may arise as a by-product. Not pretty. She wanted to write a book that provided insights and exercises for contemplation that underscored the need to bring this self-defeating behavior into check. She recognizes that the harmful side effects of infidelity have the potential to affect us all. Save face, save time, save money, save energy, by fostering foresight to promote right. Self-gratification and quick fixes are not the answers. She believes the development of the total person can be a tremendous boost toward averting infidelity. She emphasizes the importance of personal accountability (of all parties involved), the need for more effective education and the value of healthy, honest relationships, including the one with yourself. Her goal is to lay new groundwork for progressive thought, and most importantly - action. Bottom line is: Cheating is Defeating! Elda is a native of Southern California. She was born in Glendale, reared in Lincoln Heights until the age of two, and lived in Norwalk thereafter. She left the fold of her loving home at 17, attended Rio Hondo College, studied at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark and graduated from Whittier College with a B.A. in Theatre Arts. She welcomes an exploratory and engaging life. A sampling being: She's parasailed in Puerto Vallarta, zip lined in Costa Rica, skied the Austrian Alps, swam with stingrays in Moorea, frolicked with dolphins in the Caymans and danced onstage with the Gipsy Kings in Aarhus,Denmark. Her love of travel will keep her crawling around this fascinating planet. There's still so much to do! She worked in the entertainment industry for many years in various capacities: dialogue coach, voice-over artist, casting, and has performed on stage, screen and radio. Her primary focus was acting (her first love). She has also taught English in Japan and has tutored Language Arts in the underserved communities within Los Angeles and Orange County. She volunteers for a variety of causes and holds a special place for children's issues. Her joys are reading, dancing, music, socializing, reveling in humor and expanding her horizons externally and internally. She loves, loves, loves flamenco! She currently lives in the Brentwood area of Los Angeles. **See interview w/Dr. Levi Harrison on Youtube, Dec. 10, 2014**
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