Davina Kotulski

Davina Kotulski

DAVINA KOTULSKI, PH.D., est une psychologue clinicienne agréée, une conférencière recherchée et une auteure avec une pratique thérapeutique privée florissante à Los Angeles, Californie, États-Unis, et une pratique internationale de coaching de vie. Elle anime des ateliers et des webinaires sur la suite de votre cœur courageux, la régression des vies antérieures, le mysticisme, la croissance spirituelle, l'autonomisation et l'expression de soi authentique. DAVINA KOTULSKI, PH.D., is a licensed clinical psychologist, sought-after speaker, and author with a thriving private therapy practice in Los Angeles, California, USA, and an international life coaching practice. She facilitates workshops and webinars on following your courageous heart, past-life regression, mysticism, spiritual growth, self-empowerment, and authentic self-expression. After receiving her doctorate in clinical psychology in 1996, Davina worked for over thirteen years as a psychologist in a U.S. federal prison, leading empowerment workshops with female inmates, introducing them to the teachings of self-empowerment authors, such as Thich Nhat Hahn, Napoleon Hill, and Tony Robbins. Davina was the executive director of Marriage Equality USA. She has received notable awards for her civil rights advocacy, including the Saints Alive Award from the Metropolitan Community Church, the Michael Switzer Leadership Award, and Grand Marshal, San Francisco LGBT Pride Parade. As a respected leader in the LGBT equality movement, Davina Kotulski has appeared in dozens of documentary films, been a guest on television (notably on CNN) and on National Public Radio and the talk shows of numerous other radio stations, and has been featured in print publications, like Newsweek, USA Today, San Francisco Chronicle, L.A. Times, Oregonian, to name a few. She was a guest therapist on the show Please Understand Me produced by Sarah Silverman. Davina’s previous books include Why You Should Give a Damn about Gay Marriage, Love Warriors: The Rise of the Marriage Equality Movement and Why It Will Prevail, and the novel Behind Barbed Eyes. Her written work has been featured in periodicals, anthologies, online magazines, and blogs. Dr. Davina Kotulski lives in Los Angeles, California, United States of America. Visit Davina at: https://davinakotulski.com
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