Blythe Ayne Ph.D.

Blythe Ayne Ph.D.

I live in a forest with a few domestic and numerous wild creatures, where I create an ever-growing inventory of nonfiction and fiction books, short stories, illustrated kid’s books, and articles. And I do a bit of wood carving when I need a change of pace. I moved to the Pacific Northwest to have a modest psychotherapy practice, and to write. Eventually I realized I needed to focus on my writing, where, through the world-shrinking internet, I could interact with a greater number of people. Where I could meet you! Thank you for reading my work. Your support contributes to sustaining this little corner of the earth, ten acres of natural forest, and all its resident fauna and flora. I'd love to hear your thoughts, questions, or observations about my work, or if you are curious to know more about my life:
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