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Couverture de Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day

De : Ophelia Bell
Lu par : Bea Kay, Xander Marceaux
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    There's trouble in paradise.

    All we had to do was make it through the weekend. It should've been a breeze. A tattoo convention in Cancún with Toni Valentine, the toughest and sexiest tattoo artist in the world? It was a dream come true.

    It was my chance to show her how I'd grown. I came to work for her when I was just some kid from LA and she already had a spread in Maxim and a successful video stream, but over the past three years, we've gotten close. And I had plans for us to get even closer.

    But now my plans have changed. Now I've got to prove myself in a different way—by saving her from one of Mexico's most brutal cartels. I'd do anything for Toni, and that includes walking right into the belly of the beast. And I'm not coming back without her.

    Valentine's Day is the third book in "Fall of the Amador Cartel" romance series. It features an older woman/younger man, fake boyfriend romance. Although all books in this world can be listened to as standalones, you wont want to miss the rest. A steamy romance with explicit love scenes and strong language, a happily ever after is always guaranteed. Enjoy!

    ©2020 Ophelia Bell (P)2024 Ophelia Bell

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