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Couverture de Doubling Down

Doubling Down

De : Ophelia Bell
Lu par : Sean Crisden, Mikayla Klien, Xander Marceaux
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    One is bad. Two is unforgivable. But three... three is the jackpot.

    When my best friend Casey ghosted me for an entire summer, my life took a crazy turn. So crazy, I think I might've just circled back to our last conversation the night after she popped her cherry with two honest-to-god Doms. Now I really need to talk to her because I think for the first time I might be able to one-up her in the kink department. Spoiler alert: I have my own pair of kinky guys now too. The twist? Mine are twins.

    Reuniting with them after three years apart is more mind-blowing than I can imagine. Were no longer innocent, limited by circumstance, and they've been busy, inventing and building the most epic sex toy I've ever seen.

    When a sexy venture capitalist arrives to invest in the twins' fancy sex machine, all three of us are in a run for our money. Not only does the investor want to gamble to the tune of millions for the plans, he wants to own it. And he's willing to invest even more to have the inventors and their girlfriend.

    Doubling Down is the fourth novella in the "Rebel Lust Taboo" forbidden romance series. It's a short, hot listen with an HEA, perfect for fans of Cherise Sinclair, Chelle Bliss, Jade West, Meghan March, and Sawyer Bennett.

    ©2022 Ophelia Bell (P)2024 Ophelia Bell

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