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Couverture de Touch My Body

Touch My Body

De : Lucia Jordan
Lu par : Vanessa Kitchens
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    After breaking her back and spending many sleepless nights taking on extra work for her company, Bailey Anderson's hard work has finally paid off. She got the promotion. The only catch is, she has to move to New York City. 

    With no ties holding her back, Bailey jumps at the chance. New York City is everything Bailey dreamed of and more, full of luxurious services and exciting strangers. Not to mention, it’s the chance for Bailey to turn over a new leaf.

    Bailey takes a chance on a night out on the town. That's when she meets two mysterious men who look like Greek gods. They are beautiful and demanding and very interested in her - both of them. 

    It seems crazy, but Bailey’s in a crazy mood. But when she spends a night in both men’s arms, will she be ready for what happens next? One night is far from the end of it. In fact, it’s only just the beginning. Bailey is about to find herself in a catastrophic mess. 

    ©2020 Wild Hearts Romance (P)2020 Wild Hearts Romance
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Romance

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