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Couverture de Given to the Daddies

Given to the Daddies

De : Emily Tilton
Lu par : Mace Earl Finn, Vanessa Kitchens
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    After police show up at her home and demand she accompany them, 18-year-old Dorana is taken to her planet's capital to be trained for use by the Magisterians who conquered her world. Before long, she has been stripped, punished for her defiance, and brought to a shameful public climax by the very man who just finished spanking her, but her humiliation is just beginning.

    She is to be given to three firm-handed military officers, each of whom she will call daddy, and her beautiful virgin body will be theirs to claim and enjoy in any way they please. But as the strict, sexy soldiers set about teaching her all the ways a little girl can be made to blush, Dorana soon finds herself wondering what it would be like to belong to her new daddies forever.

    Publisher's note: Given to the Daddies is a stand-alone novella in the Galactic Discipline series. It includes spankings, sexual scenes, and elements of age play. If such material offends you, please don't buy this book. Also note that an earlier version of Given to the Daddies was previously published under the title Planet of the Daddies as part of a multi-author collection entitled Dirty Daddies: 2020 Anniversary Anthology.

    ©2021 Emily Tilton and Stormy Night Publications (P)2022 Emily Tilton
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Érotisme

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