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  • Someone to Love

  • Someone to Love Series, Book 1
  • De : Robert Lewis
  • Lu par : Ken Allen
  • Durée : 4 h et 35 min

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Someone to Love

De : Robert Lewis
Lu par : Ken Allen
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    Dennis Childres enjoys his freedom. He has his own house, works his own hours, and stars in taboo gay sex scenes for the company he and his best friend own. From the outside, Dennis has it all. But deep down, he isn’t happy. Even tailored to his personal taste, the porn star's life is missing something ... or maybe someone. He wants a person to love and he's willing to search anywhere to find them.

    What Dennis doesn't know is that lurking in a strange corner of the internet, there is someone who loves him. Someone who would do anything for him. Even kill.

    Certain the adult film actor is the only one who can purge the evil from his soul, this stalker is poised to take his strange obsession from behind the computer and straight into Dennis' perfect world. Will the hopeless romantic discover the truth about his super fan in time or will his lustful quest to find the ideal man become a fight for his life?

    Listener Advisory: Someone to Love is a thrilling, action-packed adventure which contains graphic depictions of sex, abuse, drug use, and simulated incest.

    ©2022 Robert Lewis (P)2022 Robert Lewis

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