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Couverture de Pandora's Naughty Futa Box Collection 1

Pandora's Naughty Futa Box Collection 1

De : Reed James
Lu par : Sadie Alexa Knight
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    The first futa receives naughty gifts from the hot goddesses in this three story collection!

    Pandora and her box is an ancient tale. From the depths of mythology, the futa-version emerges. Pandora, the Eve of the Ancient Greek, is now exposed in all her futa-glory.

    Presented before the gods, her futa-endowment attracts the eyes of the naughty goddesses.

    Wanting to bless Pandora, they will shower the futa with their wicked gifts. Behind closed doors, the delicious futa will cuckold the gods with their wanton wives. But what will happen if she enjoys the wrong goddess?

    Will Pandora get away with her wicked delights?

    This collection contains these three hot tales:

    • Pandora's Naughty Gifts (Pandora's Naughty Futa Box 1)
    • Pandora's Futa Passions Awakened (Pandora's Naughty Futa Box 2)
    • Pandora's Naughty Curiosity (Pandora's Naughty Futa Box 3)

    You have to listen to this naughty futa-tale to find out what happens!

    These three stories contain: Futa-on-female, goddess, oral, anal, creampie, menage, hot wife, first time, cheating, cuckolding, mythological erotica that are not for the faint of heart.

    ©2020 Reed James (P)2022 Reed James
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Érotisme

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