Couverture de The ManFixer

The ManFixer

De : Heather Leigh
  • Résumé

  • How has the modern man gotten so off track when it comes to love, confidence, and happiness? Welcome to The ManFixer, I’m your host Heather Leigh, and I have spent years studying, writing about, observing, and helping men regain their mojo when it comes to their place in the world. Shifting gender roles, blurred lines, skewed perspectives, emasculating women - all have left today’s men hesitant, confused, and frankly, lost in the wilderness. Guys, this show is going to kick-start you into becoming the caring, confident, and complete package that you were meant to be...and that she wants you to be. I am here to recreate positive communication and to get the juices flowing again. This is an open and safe forum where nothing is held back, no subject is out of bounds, and there are no limits to where these conversations will go...or where the possibilities can lead. So buckle up for the ride boys, The ManFixer is here for you, and it's time for your potential to be realized. Follow us now on Apple, Spotify, or wherever you enjoy your shows!
    2022, Heather Leigh, All Rights Reserved
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      29 min
    • Ep. 51 - 6 Signs You’re Dating an Immature Man/Women
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    • Ep. 50 - What happens when the lists don’t work?
      Dec 7 2022

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      If you have experience this this episode is for you today. We’re gonna talk about how to heal from heartbreak. 

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      9 min

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