
  • Episode 5: There Are No Heroes Here
    Feb 10 2022

    There are no heroes here. Today, we are going to tell you two stories. One story is about a person who went against rules and regulations and would rather stand on 'principle' than to save their own life while the other wanted the vaccine but was told false information, leading to the loss of her own life. This episode isn't going to be a fun one, but it will be informative. 

    Get vaccinated. Save your life and the lives of those around you. They aren't always a hero in the stories we tell ourselves, even when one is desperately needed. 

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    20 min
  • Episode 4: We've Stepped into the Twilight Zone...
    Sep 15 2021

    We've now stepped into the Twilight Zone. The pandemic is still here like a deranged zombie stuck in a tree. He isn't going anywhere. Neither are we. Maybe we should do something about it. I'm angry. IF you are not angry, you are not paying attention. Lets get started shall we...now on "The Twilight Zone.." I mean...lets start the podcast, okay? **shudders**

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    20 min
  • Episode 3: Updates and Vaccines
    Aug 12 2021

    I hit the kitchen floor, dizzy. I had no idea that just days later I would be spending the next five days in the hospital. Also, booster shots for the vaccinated immunocompromised? All that and more, stay tuned!

    Afficher plus Afficher moins
    21 min
  • Episode 2: When You Can't Hear Police Commands
    Apr 22 2021
    The hearing impaired experience the world a bit differently than others, but they face the police just like the rest of us. In a time of accountability for the police, what happens when you can't hear police commands? Tragedies. You don't want to miss this episode.
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    25 min
  • Episode 27: Mini Episode for Anti Maskers
    Mar 1 2021
    **Puts hands up to dodge all the rotten vegetables and food**
    Okay, Okay...I've been missing. Not that kind of "missing", but just missing in action. But I'm back now, so that counts for something, right? We're taking on a "Mini" episode which is not so "mini" at the moment to take on a topic that is NOT "mini" at all. Let's take to task those who preach "anti-Mask" We are going to debunk their nonsense about ADA cards, Communism, and HIPPA. Come on board....
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    18 min
  • Jerry's Kids are Alright and Grownup and VOTE
    Nov 4 2020
    Jerry's Kids are alright and all grown up. Today we will discuss the Labor Day telethon that he hosted for many years. Also, today is the day we make history. Go vote no matter what!
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    31 min
  • The Interabled Dating Show and 200K Dead
    Sep 23 2020
    Shawn tells people when they ask him how did he get such a stunning girlfriend that he has a big...wheelchair. He does. It's a big wheelchair and he recently got married. Also, we're crossing a grim milestone of 200K deaths of COVID in this country. Strap on your seatbelt, you're in for a bumpy ride, pardon the puns. We're "full of it" today.
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    24 min
  • Covid19 Mea Culpas and Long Haulers
    Aug 19 2020
    Should we forgive the Covid Converts? We're also taking about long haulers, and we ain't talking about trucks going down the highway. We're talking about how the chronic illness and disabled communities should act as ambassadors and reach out to them. Who are the Long Haulers? Find out after Sonya has a breathing treatment, as she works herself into an asthmatic frenzy! Going in 5...4...3...2...1....
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    16 min