
  • 27 -The Key to Living Your Best Life
    Mar 31 2022

    The Enduring Faith Podcast launched on April 1st, 2021. The idea came while spending time with God, desperately seeking Him for wisdom and guidance about moving back home to the States after following His lead to move to Germany right before the global pandemic locked down the country. I was desperate to seek Him for answers because I absolutely did NOT want to leave there if it was not His will. In those times of prayer and worship and seeking His voice, He told me to share my story. He had put so many “golden nuggets” in front of me for a few months leading up to the genesis of this podcast. It was very clear to me that, while isolated in a foreign country with no friends or family, I would still share my story to anyone who would listen.

    So-here we are! One whole year later. Episode 27! It really does feel like a miracle that we were able to produce an episode every 2 weeks. Seriously—I’m in awe thinking about it!

    I thought about doing a recap episode and just walk through highlights from previous episodes, or maybe bring up some of the ones that seemed to resonate most with all of you. But, I feel the Lord wanting me to focus on obedience today.

    Listen in as I share 2 things I've learned and how to live our best life.

    Here's the link to my new book, "The 21 Day (and beyond) Attitude of Gratitude Devotional and Journal."

    If you are enjoying the Enduring Faith Podcast, please subscribe so you'll get notified when a new episode is released --hopefully in just a few months, season 2 will pop right into your podcast library.

    If this podcast has blessed you, please leave a review! 💕And go ahead and share this episode with someone who needs to hear today's message about the living our best life.

    Find me on Instagram @coachjamiemiller

    Facebook: Coach Jamie Miller

    www.coachjamiemiller.com or www.enduringfaithpodcast.com

    And as always, a special shout out to my producer, Henry, for his dedication and hard work to make this whole thing possible!

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    21 min
  • 26 - The Secret to Contentment
    Mar 17 2022

    If you're like me, you may have something in your life right now that makes you feel a little "malcontent." In today's episode, I share the secret to finding contentment no matter what your current struggle may be.

    Listen in as I share what contentment actually is and how we can find it and replace our grumbling and complaining with peace and rest.

    Here's the link to my new book, "The 21 Day (and beyond) Attitude of Gratitude Devotional and Journal."

    If you are enjoying the Enduring Faith Podcast, please subscribe so you'll get notified when a new episode is released.

    If this podcast has blessed you, please leave a review! 💕And go ahead and share this episode with someone who needs to hear today's message about the secret to contentment.

    Find me on Instagram @coachjamiemiller

    Facebook: Coach Jamie Miller

    www.coachjamiemiller.com or www.enduringfaithpodcast.com

    And as always, a special shout out to my producer, Henry, for his dedication and hard work to make this whole thing possible!

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    14 min
  • 25 - We All Have a Thing
    Mar 3 2022

    You know that thing that keeps resurfacing in your life, making you feel insufficient, full of fear, or unworthy? Maybe you overcome whatever it is, just to fall back into it again. You hear those little whispers tormenting you and telling you, “See…you can’t get past it. You are a loser. You can’t help others because you are so bad.” We all have a “thing.” I feel like I have several, actually. And sometimes, just when I feel like I’ve finally defeated one thing, another one will surface. In just the last couple of years, I’ve discovered that I’m not alone. And I can actually embrace my “thing” and still be worthy in the eyes of God—and others.

    To keep me from becoming conceited because of these surpassingly great revelations, there was given me a thorn in my flesh, a messenger of Satan, to torment me. Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me. But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.

    2 Corinthians 12:7-9

    Paul explains that although his “thing” is from Satan, God allows it in order to keep him humble. God tells Paul that even though this thing—this thorn—is making him weak, God provides enough grace. God can still use us even though we are not perfect. HE is still perfect, even in our weakness. Listen today as we just chat about how we all have a thing--a thorn--and how God can still use us.

    Please follow along on Facebook and Instagram for tools, tips, and encouragement as you set out on your own journey of self-discovery and purpose. And let me know if you have any questions or if you’d like more information about coaching.

    Here's the link to my new book, "The 21 Day (and beyond) Attitude of Gratitude Devotional and Journal."

    If you are enjoying the Enduring Faith Podcast, please subscribe so you'll get notified when a new episode is released.

    If this podcast has blessed you, please leave a review! 💕And go ahead and share this episode with someone who needs to hear today's message about how we all have a "thing".

    Find me on Instagram @coachjamiemiller

    Facebook: Coach Jamie Miller

    www.coachjamiemiller.com or www.enduringfaithpodcast.com

    And as always, a special shout out to my producer, Henry, for his dedication and hard work to make this whole thing possible!

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    16 min
  • 24 - In the Name of Jesus!
    Feb 17 2022

    Episode 24 - In the Name of Jesus!

    Let’s talk about Jesus today, shall we? As Christians, we must understand the power in the name of Jesus. Have you ever been stressed or feeling a lot of anxiety about something and just said the word, “Jesus?” I know I did this a lot in Germany during the pandemic. I’d be driving to work, feeling overwhelmed by all of the restrictions and being in a foreign country with no friends or family nearby, and literally, the only thing I could think to pray was just simply, “Jesus.” Sometimes song lyrics would come to mind like, “Jesus, Jesus, you make the mountains crumble, Jesus, Jesus, you silence fear.” (Tremble by Mosaic MSC)

    In this episode, I dive into what the Bible says about the name of Jesus. There is so much power in us, through Him! And I remind you of the spiritual war that is raging all around us and how to prepare for battle. Are you wearing your armor every day?

    It’s so important to trust the guidance and direction from the Holy Spirit and be alert. When we not only know about Him, but know Him intimately and trust and have faith in what the Word says about Him, we have the same power of His Spirit inside of us! Whenever you are afraid, just say, “Jesus.” Whenever you feel uneasy or overwhelmed, just say, “Jesus.” There is power in His name and His spirit is in you! It’s time to increase your faith and tap into that power.

    We are to baptize in His name (Matt. 28:19). Demons and evil spirits were cast out in His name (Mark 16:17-18). The devil is powerless because of His name (Luke 10:17). Healing occurred in His name (Acts 3:6, 3:16, 4:10). Salvation comes in His name (Acts 4:12, Rom. 10:13). We are justified in His name (1 Cor. 6:11). Everything we do and say as Christians is done in His name (Col. 3:17).

    Please follow along on Facebook and Instagram for tools, tips, and encouragement as you set out on your own journey of self-discovery and purpose. And let me know if you have any questions or if you’d like more information about coaching.

    Here's the link to my new book, "The 21 Day (and beyond) Attitude of Gratitude Devotional and Journal."

    If you are enjoying the Enduring Faith Podcast, please subscribe so you'll get notified when a new episode is released.

    If this podcast has blessed you, please leave a review! 💕And go ahead and share this episode with someone who needs to hear today's message about the name of Jesus.

    Find me on Instagram @coachjamiemiller

    Facebook: Coach Jamie Miller

    www.coachjamiemiller.com or www.enduringfaithpodcast.com

    And as always, a special shout out to my producer, Henry, for his dedication and hard work to make this whole thing possible!

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    22 min
  • 23 -Shine Your Light!
    Feb 3 2022

    In the last few episodes of the podcast, I’ve been talking about the RISE UP & Shine Your Light framework that I use to help women discover who God created them to be and start planning out their next steps to begin walking in the calling God has for their lives. In John 10:10, Jesus tells us that the devil comes to steal, kill, and destroy, but He came to give us life. But not just a regular life. And abundant life!

    It’s so easy to fall into a rut these days. We go into survival mode–just going to work, taking care of kids, doing laundry, grocery shopping, cleaning the house, cooking meals, binging on social media or Netflix, and starting all over the next day. Our little light inside starts to go dim. There are so many things that cover it up in our daily rat-race of chores and responsibilities. Well, it’s time to stop merely surviving and start thriving!

    Listen in as I encourage you to get out there and shine your light and how I can help you do it.

    Here's the link to my new book, "The 21 Day (and beyond) Attitude of Gratitude Devotional and Journal."

    Please follow along on Facebook and Instagram for tools, tips, and encouragement as you set out on your own journey of self-discovery and purpose. And let me know if you have any questions or if you’d like more information about coaching.

    If you are enjoying the Enduring Faith Podcast, please subscribe so you'll get notified when a new episode is released.

    If this podcast has bless you, please leave a review! 💕And go ahead and share this episode with someone who needs to hear today's message about shining your light.

    Find me on Instagram @coachjamiemiller

    Facebook: Coach Jamie Miller

    www.coachjamiemiller.com or www.enduringfaithpodcast.com

    And as always, a special shout out to my producer, Henry, for his dedication and hard work to make this whole thing possible!

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    16 min
  • 22 - Uncover Your Dream and Plan your Steps
    Jan 20 2022

    Episode 22 - Uncover your God dream and Plan your Steps!

    Finally, my favorite part of the RISE UP and Shine Your Light framework! Uncovering your God dream and planning your action steps so that you can begin doing “the thing” you were made to do and shine your beautiful light into the world. If you missed the R, I, S, and E episodes, please go back and listen to those as well.

    Just as a quick recap, my RISE UP and Shine Your Light framework is what I created for my coaching clients who know deep down that there is more to life and really want to discover their purpose and figure out how to live life to the full. R is for remembering God’s faithfulness, I stands for Identify who God created you to be, then the S is Silencing the negativity, and the E is for Eliminating obstacles. These are all very important steps in the process of developing from feeling overwhelmed to overjoyed. There is nothing more exciting than figuring out who God created you to be and what He created you to do and then actually doing it! (I know this first-hand!) Listen along as I share my story and help you figure out how to RISE UP & Shine Your Light!

    Please follow along on Facebook and Instagram for tools, tips, and encouragement as you set out on your own journey of self-discovery and purpose. And let me know if you have any questions or if you’d like more information about coaching.

    If you are enjoying the Enduring Faith Podcast, please subscribe so you'll get notified when a new episode is released.

    If this podcast has bless you, please leave a review! 💕And go ahead and share this episode with someone who needs to hear today's message about uncovering a God-dream and planning next steps.

    Find me on Instagram @coachjamiemiller

    Facebook: Coach Jamie Miller

    www.coachjamiemiller.com or www.enduringfaithpodcast.com

    And as always, a special shout out to my producer, Henry, for his dedication and hard work to make this whole thing possible!

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    14 min
  • 21 - Eliminate the Obstacles
    Jan 6 2022

    I’ve been covering the RISE UP and Shine Your Light framework the last few episodes and today we’re talking about the E: Eliminate Obstacles. In the previous episodes, I told you about R: Remember God’s faithfulness, I: Identify who God created you to be, and S: Silence the negativity. Each letter in the RISE UP framework stands for one of the key components in my coaching process to help you figure out your next steps to begin walking in your gifting and live out the calling God has for your life so that you can begin to shine your light the way God has always intended!

    Ultimately, you have a purpose and a special way to further God’s kingdom here on earth and it is my unique calling to encourage you and help you discover it and begin to walk it out! The Bible tells us in 1 Corinthians chapter 12 that we each play a special part of God’s Kingdom here on earth. We’re all designed for a specific purpose and I am passionate about helping you figure it out so you can live a purpose-filled, abundant life while you’re here!

    OK, so back to the E–I never thought about it until I was in training to be a coach, but obstacles are often inevitable and often equally avoidable. But, we can’t avoid something or eliminate it if we aren’t anticipating it.

    Listen in as I share a couple of things I've learned about how to eliminate obstacles and manage expectations.

    Freebie! -- Download my free, printable list of what the Bible says about you here. Print a few copies and put them wherever you need to be reminded. In the car, by your mirror, on your desk, in your purse–everywhere!

    If you are enjoying the Enduring Faith Podcast, please subscribe so you'll get notified when a new episode is released.

    If this podcast has bless you, please leave a review! 💕And go ahead and share this episode with someone who needs to hear today's message about eliminating obstacles and managing our expectations.

    Find me on Instagram @coachjamiemiller

    Facebook: Coach Jamie Miller

    www.coachjamiemiller.com or www.enduringfaithpodcast.com

    And as always, a special shout out to my producer, Henry, for his dedication and hard work to make this whole thing possible!

    Afficher plus Afficher moins
    19 min
  • 20 - Silence the Negativity
    Dec 23 2021

    How's your thought life lately? Thoughts are powerful! In Romans 12:2, the Bible tells us that instead of conforming to the ways of this world, we should be transformed by the *renewing* of our mind. Science has proven that it is actually possible for us to renew our minds. In my RISE UP & Shine Your Light framework, the "S" stands for Silence the Negativity.

    In my experience working with women, so many of us get caught in a pattern of negative self-talk and don’t even realize it. It’s dangerous. The more you think a thought, the more your brain believes it as truth. So if you are thinking negative thoughts, chances are, it’s affecting you more than you even realize.

    The enemy loves to whisper lies to us as often as we’ll let him. And sadly, most of us allow these lies to create regular thought patterns without even recognizing what’s happening. Before long, we’re overwhelmed, anxious, depressed, insecure, and doubting that we’re able to make a difference in the world. So how can you silence these negative thoughts and renew your mind?

    In this episode, I talk about three things that have helped me silence the negativity:

    1- Capture your negative thoughts.

    2- Replace the negative thoughts

    3 - Speak Life!

    You can do it! Don’t waste another day allowing negative thoughts to keep permeating your mind. God created us with the ability to renew our minds so take advantage of this amazing gift! It’s not too late!

    Resources that I mentioned:

    -Download my free, printable list of what the Bible says about you here. Print a few copies and put them wherever you need to be reminded. In the car, by your mirror, on your desk, in your purse–everywhere!

    -Read at least one Bible verse every single day. (My favorite apps: YouVersion Bible app and First5 app by Proverbs 31 Ministries)

    -Put on some worship music. It’s amazing how your soul can feel a shift when you praise the Lord! We are super blessed here in the USA to have Christian stations on the radio. (While we were in Germany, I realized how much I took this for granted!) And of course, there are Worship channels on satellite radio and all the music apps.

    I can’t wait to hear from you as you start silencing the negativity in your mind! Life is too short to be negative!

    If you are enjoying the Enduring Faith Podcast, please subscribe so you'll get notified when a new episode is released.

    If this podcast has bless you, please leave a review! 💕And go ahead and share this episode with someone who needs to hear today's message about silencing the negativity and renewing our minds.

    Find me on Instagram @coachjamiemiller

    Facebook: Coach Jamie Miller

    www.coachjamiemiller.com or www.enduringfaithpodcast.com

    And as always, a special shout out to my producer, Henry, for his dedication and hard work to make this whole thing possible!

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    26 min