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  • (re)Made in America

  • An Immigrant's Journey to the American Dream
  • De : Fabian Bello
  • Lu par : Fabian Bello
  • Durée : 3 h et 51 min

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(re)Made in America

De : Fabian Bello
Lu par : Fabian Bello
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    When Fidel Castro assumed military and political power of Cuba in 1959, the future of millions of Cuban citizens became unsure. The Cuban Revolution set in motion an immigration train for the Bello and Machado families that lasted more than 30 years and spanned three generations.

    Fabian Bello was born in Havana, Cuba, and immigrated to the United States with his parents and paternal grandmother just 25 days after his third birthday. Although he was a young child when he arrived in Florida, being raised in a family that escaped communism influenced the way Fabian perceives the world and has given him deeper insight and appreciation of the unique values and opportunities available in the United States of America.

    In (re)Made in America, Fabian recounts the struggles his family endured and the price they paid to leave Cuba and start new lives in the United States of America. He relates the trials and triumphs of growing up in a new country and finding his professional path in life and business. Fabian also delves into the pressing issues of our time and explores what it means to value and live the American dream.

    ©2023 Fabian Bello (P)2023 Fabian Bello

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