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  • imPerfect Blades

  • The imPerfect Cathar, Book 8
  • De : C.N. Rowan
  • Lu par : C.N. Rowan
  • Durée : 9 h et 8 min

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imPerfect Blades

De : C.N. Rowan
Lu par : C.N. Rowan
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    Lost swords and last chances. Whatever happens, I’m liable to end up cut to the quick…

    We’ve got our friend back, but we’re still facing a terrifying threat, one not afraid of exposing the Talented world to get what they want. And with Isaac still sick, time is running out.

    But a clue sets us on the trail of a legendary sword. One wielded by the Father of Europe himself. Joyeuse. The sword of Charlemagne.

    The road leads back to the Pyrenees. But that trail may turn to trial, to a testing and a proving of our worth.

    And I’m not sure I’m worthy. Not anymore.

    With the sands left in Isaac’s hourglass down to the last few grains, will we find an answer in the mountains? A cure? A clue as to the identity of our foe?

    Or will the blade test our mettle to breaking point—imPerfect Blades is the eighth book in the award-winning imPerfect Cathar series, a darkly funny urban fantasy series set in the south of France. If you can’t wisecrack while death is on the line? Well… perhaps you’re not dying right.

    This book contains strong language, dark humour and graphic violence.

    ©2024 C.N. Rowan (P)2024 C.N. Rowan

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