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iRise: An Algorhythm of Freedom

De : Michael Phoenix
Lu par : Michael Phoenix
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iRise is manual for being human in this new age. An age where love, compassion, empathy, and kindness are the watchwords of society. Endeavoring to guide one on how to move as source of love in the world, this manual applies a framework of objectivity on using consciousness as a vehicle. A vehicle that transports one to the frame of being a discrete unit of unconditional love as an interwoven vector expression in the universe.

As such, an operational paradigm, in the mind of a human being, determines the fate of that human being. Decisions, choices, actions; these are the things molding the experiential reality around us. The way we think about things, how we process our emotions, the visions we generate for our lives; these are the blueprints we use to architect that reality. There need only be a single moment of awareness for choice to occur. And, there is no moment other than the present one. In a single decision, the simultaneous impact of our consciousness on reality influences a multi-dimensional array of potentials. In a single decision, what was once potential energy, is now kinetic. This is our power. This is our right.

©2017 Michael JM Phoenix (P)2022 Michael JM Phoenix
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