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Couverture de Zombies ... What If?

Zombies ... What If?

De : TJ Reeder
Lu par : Jeff Heisler
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    This book was re-edited in 2023.

    Note! This is my two Zombie books rolled into one. It is not a new read.

    This is a story about four young men; lifelong friends, who find themselves in a Zombie war. Being in their 20s, they all grew up on horror movies and video games. They watched every episode of The Walking Dead, and after each week's show, they spent the rest of the week tearing the show apart, covering all the "what ifs", and "why's" and filling it in with, "If it was me, I woulda done...."

    So now, they are in the middle of it, and it's not a game. Now they have to do it for real. Can they? For my usual fans, please don't stone me—I always swore I'd never write a Zombie book, but I thought how much fun I could make it, and so I did. It's not as gory in written form as, of course, Hollyweird would show it, but it's hard to use the written word to convey somebody's guts being ripped out, so I didn't bother. I hope you enjoy it, and I expect to see a review saying yea or nea.

    Yeah, I've gamed this stuff, too, and this is how I would do it, but I'd need some buddies watching my six.

    ©2014, 2023 TJ Reeder (P)2023 TJ Reeder

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