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Couverture de Zombie Insurrection - Three Zombie Short Stories

Zombie Insurrection - Three Zombie Short Stories

De : K. Bartholomew
Lu par : K. Bartholomew
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    Zombie Insurrection is a collection of three zombie short stories by K. Bartholomew.


    Snatched - Bedlam Lunatic Asylum - 1888. When Alfred Bartlett, Night Porter at the asylum is not occupied treading the lonely corridors, ensuring the patients cause no trouble during the dark hours, he's busy running a side business - Selling the most interesting lunatics to the highest bidder. However, after one such lunatic (with strange zombie-like tendencies) attracts the attention of a travelling freak show in Victorian England, Bartlett's lucrative yet risky sideline is beset with problems.

    Caged - Iraq: The Americans are fighting a drawn out war against ISIS. With public support for the war draining, they find themselves under pressure to discover new ways of waging war against the enemy. At an isolated American air base, one scientist has come up with an ingenious idea - Use zombies to defeat the Islamic State. The only problem is, the virus isn't ready and top brass are running out of patience. How can they deliver "the package" where it's needed - Straight at the ISIS leadership. And meanwhile at the air base, who is the mysterious man under the hood?

    Annihilation - A tourist is bitten by a rare monkey whilst on safari in Kenya. She is flown home but later dies from her infection. Soon after, the hospital is on lockdown following an incident with a patient. Within hours, the city of Leeds is being attacked by hordes of people who appear drugged up and deranged. Days later, the north of England undergoes rioting and cannibalism for unknown reasons. David Sterling, the British Prime Minister, meanwhile struggles to take a lead on the developing situation in his country. Zombies are supposed to be a thing of Hollywood, yet here they are in England, ravaging their way across the nation. Zombie Takeover shows the zombie apocalypse from the point of view of a typical incompetent Prime Minister. Pray he’s not in charge when the inevitable apocalypse arrives.

    ©2019 K. Bartholomew (P)2019 K. Bartholomew

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