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Zae Man the Superhero

De : Kim McCall
Lu par : John Doyle Jr.
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My name is Zae Man, and I wanted to be a king but chose to be a superhero instead. I just want to save the world. If you know anybody who needs help, tell your mommy or daddy or family or your teacher. It's a big job being a superhero. We need all the help we can get.

Daddy and mommy let me be a superhero, but I still have to do my chores around the house. Like after breakfast, I have to clean up my mess and keep my room clean. You can be your own superhero like me. Read a book every day before you go to bed and have respect for your family and friends and teachers. A superhero has a lot of work to do, and people depend on you to be good.

At daycare, listen to your teachers. When you have a beach day, listen to your daddy and mommy. Remember, don't have tantrums; you have to be a big boy or girl. If you go to the park with your family or friends, stay together. When you're playing outside with your family, look out for strangers trying to walk you to their car. The best day of the year is when you have your birthday. It's my special day to have fun with family and friends; that what makes me a superhero.

Jesus loves the little children of the world, they are precious in his sight. Jesus loves the little children of the world....

Adaius and Isaiah, your Nana loves you both. Goodnight!

©2010 Kim McCall (P)2020 Kim McCall
  • Version intégrale Livre audio
  • Catégories : Jeunesse
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