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Couverture de You've Got to Lose to Win

You've Got to Lose to Win

De : Will Simpson
Lu par : Roger Hoover
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    In Will Simpson’s first book in the Texas Sharks series, we meet Slade, a young man raised in a strict religious home in the 1970s. By the end of high school, Slade encounters a strange and exciting world, one his parents shielded him from his entire life.

    Throughout Slade's childhood, he was taught that thinking about anything other than what transpired in his household and tightly knit community was forbidden. The repercussions of daring to break the rules in thought or action were immediately met with a heavy hand of enforcement.

    From an oppressive life with constant pressure from his family to fit into a mold that offered no relief, Slade is driven to venture out into an unknown world, where the rules and language are incomprehensible...yet draw him irresistibly closer.

    Cutting all ties with everyone from his past, he moves seamlessly into the brutal subculture of gambling and hustling. He mingles with—and learns from—people he could never have imagined in his former incarnation: dangerous, thieving rogues.

    While Slade struggles with becoming his own person, fate brings him together with Wild Phil, a bookie who becomes his surrogate father. Phil may just hold the keys to Slade’s future. With skin in the game, Slade’s actions lead him to question whether he’s on the right path or if it’s one where winners are defined by the losers they leave behind.

    In this high-stakes wild ride, Slade learns the hard lesson that you must lose to win.

    ©2023 Will Simpson (P)2023 Will Simpson

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