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  • You’ve Already Changed Your Life

  • A Recipe for a Revelation
  • De : Jade Chang
  • Lu par : Jade Chang
  • Durée : 1 h et 44 min

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You’ve Already Changed Your Life

De : Jade Chang
Lu par : Jade Chang
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    From the author of the award-winning novel The Wangs vs. the World and the Amazon Original The List comes a timely and thought-provoking exploration of the small moments that change us in big ways.

    In You’ve Already Changed Your Life, Jade Chang posits that humans are infinitely adaptable, that the seeds of personal transformation are sown when we least expect it, and that identifying your own small (but profound!) shifts will help you retell the story of your life.

    As Jade shares the unlikely moments that changed her forever, we join her on a quest to understand what makes people who they are. She takes us from a surprising history of personality tests to a debunking of the popular science theory of the reptile brain, with several unexpected stops along the way, all with her characteristic charm and wit. Part memoir, part investigation into the science of the mind, this Audible Original questions the old stories we’ve told ourselves about our capacity for change and gives you a blueprint to discover all the ways that you have, indeed, already changed your life. 

    ©2021 Jade Chang (P)2021 Audible Originals, LLC.

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