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  • Youth Vaping Unveiled

  • Exploring Motivations Behind Vaping and Substance Use
  • De : Dr. Josh Mack
  • Lu par : D.L. Blair
  • Durée : 3 h et 28 min

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Youth Vaping Unveiled

De : Dr. Josh Mack
Lu par : D.L. Blair
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    "Youth Vaping Unveiled" is a comprehensive exploration of the motivations driving young individuals towards vaping and substance use. This insightful book delves deep into the complex factors that influence urban youth in their decisions regarding these behaviors.

    With a keen focus on understanding the urban youth landscape, the book unravels the unique challenges faced by young people in urban environments. It sheds light on the impact of peer pressure, social acceptance, and the allure of social image in driving vaping and substance use among adolescents.

    "Youth Vaping Unveiled" emphasizes the role of family dynamics and support as protective factors against substance use. It also examines the influence of community and environmental factors on youth behavior and highlights the importance of awareness and dispelling misconceptions.

    The book provides valuable insights into coping mechanisms and stressors that may lead youth to engage in substance use. It goes beyond identification to offer evidence-based prevention and intervention strategies, empowering urban youth to make informed choices.

    As listeners navigate through "Youth Vaping Unveiled," they gain a deeper understanding of the motivations that shape youth decisions and the pathways toward healthier outcomes. This book is a vital resource for educators, parents, community leaders, and anyone concerned with the well-being of urban youth. It encourages dialogue and actionable steps to support young individuals in making healthier choices and building a brighter future.

    ©2024 Dr. Josh J. Mack (P)2024 Dr. Josh Mack

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